Monday, June 10, 2019

While a recent book about the Queen did not include enough on the royal horses and dogs (in spite of the title), All The Queen's Corgis: the Story of Elizabeth II and Her Most Faithful Companions, by Penny Junor, does! From her first dog, to the most recent (as of 2018) here's the story of the dogs the Queen loves. Did you know that the Queen loves being outside, in the field, and at one point even hoped to marry a farmer? She likes all breeds of dogs, with hounds and hunting dogs being near the top of her list. And the Corgi dogs, of course!

To be honest here, I haven't yet finished Prophets and Moguls, Rangers and Rogues, Bison and Bears: 100 Years of the National Park Service, by Heather Hansen. It's a thick, dense, but well researched history of our national parks. It does read a bit like a text book, but don't let that put you off, do what I'm doing and read other books in-between chapters! Filled with history, anecdotes, pictures and bits of trivia, this is a wonderful book!

Reading Hermit With Dog

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