Friday, June 14, 2019

Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: an Introvert's Story, by Debbie Tung will go on my shelf next to other books I have about being an introvert. As with Book Love (April 29, 2019 post) and reading, she is spot on with what it was like growing up and being considered strange, odd, anti-social, or unfriendly. Noisy situations can be overwhelming (never did understand that popular song Downtown)! Like the author, I'm no longer apologetic, either! :-)

I waffled on using, or even reading I'll Be There For You: the One About Friends, by Kelsey Miller as I didn't watch the show when it first aired, or any of the repeats until recently, and now only sometimes, and even then, just bits and pieces. Still, I learned enough at some point to make me curious. It was a pretty good read, and I'm sure, for a fan of the show, an excellent read! We learn how the writers met, how the actors were selected (no big names, hopefully no 'name' at all, to start with), and where some of the story lines came from. The 'six' did something new and original ... when one actor's character took off, and his agent was pushing for a raise, he went to the other five and suggested they band together. If one gets a raise, they all get a raise, they will make the same salary. It worked! I also liked that they never wanted to be nominated as the lead in a comedy, only as supporting actors, after all, they were an ensemble group.

Reading Hermit With Dog

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