Thursday, June 2, 2016

This trail for my blog started with a visit from Canadian Reader. Since she comes in her car she is able to bring more 'stuff' than if she had to carry everything herself. I asked her to bring some favorite childhood reads, if she still had them and to think of others she especially enjoyed. Her selections included: The Water Babies, all the Tarzan books, and A Girl of the Limberlost.

Then, she told me, by the time she was ten, she started on the classics (Jane Eyre and the Odyssey were the first two) (unabridged). ! At that age I was still reading every horse book I could find! (If I still had that blushing emoticon, I'd put it here)!

One of her favorites was still on her shelf, and she brought it for me to read: The Girl of the Limberlost, by Gene Stratton-Porter. I'd not read it before and discovered that it holds up well even after more than 100 years! Strong female characters, hard work brings success, and moths! Moths that are so important money can be made by collecting them!

What was the most special, though, was the book itself. It was published in 1909. There is an inscription in the front to Canadian Reader's mother who received the book from the principal of her high school (for extra high marks) in 1935. Somewhere in the early 60's Canadian Reader would have read it, and then I did so in 2016. Gives me goose bumps, it does!

I then asked others what they liked to read as kids, what they read to their children, and so on. In the coming weeks I will do posts on their response, it's been wonderful!

While Canadian Reader was reading The Odyssey, I was probably reading, oh, something like Sand Dune Pony, by Troy Nesbitt! :-)

Reading Hermit With Dog

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