Tuesday, June 21, 2016

More along the nostalgia trail today. :-)

I remember my mom fixing Spam for dinner. It was quick and easy, and it was something I would eat (I was picky) (still am, sometimes). It has an interesting and entertaining history, as I learned in Spam: a Biography, by Carolyn Wyman. There is almost a cult following to the 'miracle meat' with a clothing line, parades, sculpture competitions and so forth. And, news to me, what the soldiers ate (and hated) was a cheaper government similar food product, not the real thing (so to speak)!

Wet and Wired: a Pop Culture Encyclopedia of the Pacific Northwest, by Randy Hodgins and Steve McLellan is full of the events, people and things that got their start here in the pnw. (Many more than I thought!) From beverages to teams (some now long gone) to radio and tv personalities, favorite destinations, outdoor wear and so much more this was a great read.

It's the longest day of the year, enjoy the lingering twilight!

Reading Hermit With Dog

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