Monday, November 24, 2014

An extra post this week. :-) Most of my reading friends know this story, and encouraged me to post it. It is sort of the origin of my blog. There are no book recommendations here, so if this is not of interest to you, stop now and check back on my regular days. ;-)

There once was a Bookshare gathering at a place of employment. It was made of up 'eclectics' both in participants, and in choice of reading material. It was a group that made their own choices, and while not avoiding popular reading, was willing to try ... well, almost anything .... just because it looked interesting. Once a month stacks of books would be shared (rather than reviewed). Readers would swap and/or exchange the titles and leave with new (at least to them) books to read. Old books, current books, fiction, non-fiction, biographies, books for children, tween reads, 'how to' books .... the diversity was wonderful.

We didn't always agree, sometimes there were books that some liked and others didn't, but that was fine and it made our gatherings more interesting. Often times, too, this would encourage one of us to read something we normally would not.

Then, 'new blood' came on the scene .... generic in thinking and with a fondness for books mentioned on popular talk shows. (And while this is not a bad thing, it shouldn't be the only type of books shared. Or so we thought). The original group was shunned, made to feel uncomfortable, dismissed, and we are now scattered far and wide.

We had such fun! It is my hope that this blog might capture some of that old feeling and be of interest to the Lost Group as well as to others.

Happy Reading!

Reading Hermit With Dog

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