Monday, February 10, 2025

As with the first in the Enola Holmes series, I really believe that someone who is familiar with both the Holmes characters, and the era where they take place will enjoy these more than the intended age group of 8 - 12! In this case, it's because of the the discussion of mesmerism. :-) The Case of the Left Handed Lady is the second in the series by Nancy Springer and is full of delightful quirks and historical bits and bobs. This time Enola is looking for a missing daughter ... Lady Cecily, who has vanished without a trace. During her search Enola has discovered some charcoal drawings Cecily has done. They are much different than the childish ones she has done that hang on the walls. Why is this? (There is a hint in the title).

Here it is, the book we've all been waiting for (well, okay, some of us ...) ;-) The Gastrothief, one of Steve Higgs Albert Smith's Culinary Capers mysteries. Albert is closing in on the mastermind behind the kidnapping of chefs and supplies, proving he is not just a crazy old man with a dog! Rex is on the trail of a scent ... one of meat, when he goes missing and the search for him brings this series to a rousing conclusion (almost)! We finally meet the paranoid person behind the quest for the perfect survival community. It's a great read ... and, since Albert and Rex have not yet visited all the small towns planned on their original journey, there are a few more books to come!

Reading Hermit With Dog

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