Friday, May 24, 2024

A few months back now I finally 'took the plunge' and started learning how to stream TV shows. It is been a learning curve for sure. (I find searching can be ... awkward ... it appears like the folks creating the collection being searched didn't think about alphabetical order). Canadian Reader got me going on Bosch, based on the books by Michael Connelly. She's read the books and enjoyed the series. I got hooked on the show, but had not read any of the books. Then, Kiwi, one day, out of the blue, mentioned going back to a favorite series by (you got it) Michael Connelly and his character named Bosch! We are now watching the series, and I was loaned the first book: The Black Echo. A body, found in a pipe, is recognized by Bosch, and brings up intense memories from his past. Putting all the pieces together takes hard work and determination, both of which are part of his character. It was an excellent read. I am glad I saw the series first, though, it gave me a better feel for Bosch.

Detectives Stephanie and Andy are on a much needed vacation. They have rented a house boat so as to take a canal journey. It started out so quiet and peaceful, then a body was found on another houseboat, one floating down the canal. It was obvious that Annie had been stabbed, and from behind, but there was no evidence of anyone being on board, so how was that accomplished? Steph and Andy had to get involved, of course, and another co-worker was brought in to help as well, so it is a team that is used to working with each other. Annie is not all that well liked so there are plenty of suspects, old secrets surface from days when she and several of the other boat owners were in a singing group. When another body is found rumors of a curse make the rounds. The Canal Murders, by J.R. Ellis is the most recent in the Yorkshire Murder Mystery series. I loved learning of life on a canal boat (and how they are navigated), and the history and lore of the canals.

Reading Hermit With Dog


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