Friday, June 23, 2023

 I can divide But Have You Read the Book? by Kristen Lopez into three sections. There's the section where I've neither read the book, nor seen the movie (mostly horror type films). Then there's the one where I've read the book AND seen the movie (I read the book first) which included To Kill a Mocking Bird and Jurassic Park. And, lastly, the section for the books I've read, but have not seen the movie such as The Hunger Games and In Cold Blood. An interesting read, for sure, but I would have picked different books/movies ... but then, I expect most readers will be able to say that. :-)

Here's a book that should get you thinking differently about animals, birds, insects ... pretty much any living thing: The Inner Life of Animals: Love, Grief, Compassion. Surprising Observations of a Hidden World, by Peter Wohlleben. Animals might have more of an emotional life than we think (or want to give them credit for having). Author has done a nice job of combining his training and observations with documentation from others. Food for thought, for sure! The translation is by Jane Billinghurst, recommendation came from Tall Reader.

Reading Hermit With Dog

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