Friday, April 14, 2023


Since Canadian Reader will soon visit and bring more of the Isle of Man Ghostly Cozy books I allowed myself to read the last one I had on my shelf, Orchestras and Obsessions, by Diana Xarissa. Fenella and Daniel are off on a romantic vacation (you know that can't happen, right?). He's signed them up for a tour with an orchestra put on by his former piano teacher. Turns out just two others have signed up, one man, one woman, not related ... so Daniel's teacher has divided up the rooms by gender. And planned every meal. There is very little time for cozy, romantic times, and even fewer once the body of one of the musicians is found. Granted, it's not Daniels case, but he is asked to help out ... Diana Xarissa writes fun stories and I'm looking forward to many more.

Okay, so the proximity to alligators was a bit much (seems at least one loves cookies), Later Gator was still a good read! I am enjoying this series (Miss Fortune Mystery) by Jana Deleon a lot! There are alligator poachers about ... now, this pretty much goes on year 'round, but if it's low key, it's ignored. Carter is trying to take care of things before the state becomes aware and sends a game warden. Sadly, this does not happen and that agent arrests a young boy (with mental issues). Since he is afraid of water, how could he be poaching? Carter has no choice but to detain him (nasty Celia is still mayor and has threatened his job). Swamp Team 3 steps up (of course) to help out. Oh, and Gertie has adopted an alligator (who loves cookies) and is determined to keep him away from any poacher. This causes ... problems!

Reading Hermit With Dog

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