There are consequences for breaking the law, we know that, but what if it was an elephant, raccoon, birds ... or even a tree ... then what? Mary Roach tackles that question in Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law. It's an ongoing issue, there are records from 1659, from Italy, when legal proceedings were filed against caterpillars! Basically what this is, is a way to figure out how humans and animals (or trees) can survive together. Humorous, frustrating, sad ... it's an interesting read.
I think I was hoping for a wider diversity of errors in Tiny Blunders Big Disasters: Thirty-Nine Tiny Mistakes That Changed the World Forever, by Jared Knot, but most of them were political, or battle errors. (Although that does make a certain sense). ;-) There were a few, such as a key that was not passed on to a crew member of the Titanic, or a couple of fires (one on that same ship). A bit of a slog, sometimes, but also most interesting at others so it balanced out. There were a few typographical errors, too.
Reading Hermit With Dog
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