Friday, October 15, 2021

Hannah's Dream, by Diane Hammond proved to be an interesting read. It is set here in Washington, in the town of Bladenham (Blaine, Lynden, Bellingham???) at a small zoo where the main attraction is an aging elephant. Hannah has spent almost her entire life here, standing on concrete most of the time, and without the company of other elephants. Her (also aging) keeper knows there has to be something better for her. How he makes that happen is the story, and a wonderful story it is! A missing document (and you learn why it went missing) and a bit of a spin on what the new (not so nice) director wants to do along with a collection of quirky and loving citizens made for an unexpectedly delightful read, something a bit outside of what I usually read. Thanks go to Riding Reader for this!

I have to admit, I am one of those that thrills to the skirl of the pipes, and hearing and/or seeing a lone piper can move me to tears, so, how could I resist Death by Bagpipes: a Summer Murder in Edinburgh? This is the fourth in the Travel Can Be Murder series by Jennifer S. Alderson. Lana has been tasked with 'helping' out on a tour to Scotland. The lead tour guide this time is new, so new as to have never worked as a tour guide before ... he is, however, the grandson of the man who is paying for the tour that includes his entire family and he's hoping to find something the poor kid can do. He is also an old friend of the woman who owns the tour company. Needless to say, this is not a happy family reunion! Especially after the patriarch announces he is getting married, and his Will has been changed. Enter Lana's ex-husband (also a magician) to really complicate matters. When Presto the Amazing dies at his retirement dinner Lana is the best one to figure out the who and the why. And yes, bagpipes were involved. Sort of. ;-)

Reading Hermit With Dog


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