Monday, July 26, 2021

Here's an interesting look at real laws, some still on the books: Don't Hurt a Sasquatch and Other Wacky-but-Real Laws in the USA & Canada, by Tyler Vendetti and illustrated by June Lee. In one state, women needed permission from their husband to purchase false teeth, in another, you can be fined and even imprisoned for swearing, threatening, or using foul language over the phone! In one of the US territories, where it never snows, there are laws against using studded tires. A fun and curious read, for sure. (The one in the title, by the way, is here in Washington State).

In the Devil's Garden: a Sinful History of Forbidden Food, by Stewart Lee Allen needs to come with a warning. Author has divided up various foods that were, at one time, forbidden and/or taboo, by the seven deadly sins. He discusses when, and why they were forbidden, and what happened to those caught eating them. Humans do terrible things to each other, and to animals. Interesting, but not for the faint hearted.

Reading Hermit With Dog


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