Monday, September 21, 2020

While reading an alumni magazine I came across a familiar name, and discovered said person had written a book. Robert Storms was a music teacher in a local school district, and there is a connection here ... he knew my dad (also a music teacher), and was the conductor of a band that used to play in the local parks in the summer, which was my summer job! Retired now, he wrote a book about being a middle school music teacher. School Stories: the Funny Thing About Music was a fun read. If you were ever in a band, choir, or orchestra (or had kids who were) you will be chuckling as you read this book.

Some time earlier this year Constant Reader told me about a cat who had died, a cat that had a following, books, and even a movie. A cat with an interesting life story (hence the books, etc). That sent me looking for the beginning of it all: A Street Cat Named Bob and How He Saved My Life, by James Bowen. The author was basically homeless, busking to make enough for food, and on a drug rehab program when he comes across a cat. Reluctant to take on the responsibility for caring for the orange feline, he looks into other possibilities, but finally realizes they need each other. He names him Bob. Life changes for both of them. A wonderful story of what having an animal in your life can do!

Reading Hermit With Dog

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