Friday, July 3, 2020

I loved the title of this book: Crazy Travel Stories ... who could resist? It was just that, too! Author Liam Lynch travels to places far from the usual 'tourist destination', often alone and not always speaking the language. Sometimes he'll hook up with someone else doing the same thing. There are snakes, and camels, scams and friendly natives. As much as I enjoyed this quick read, it suffered from a lack of careful proofreading (remember, do NOT trust your Spell Check program);-), made especially clear when freight was used instead of fright!

Again, there were several books in-between these two reads, but they fit well together! Author Matthew Felix was young, and poor, but wanted to travel. He perfected the method of seeking out single rooms, or even beds that were cheap, many in, well, not the touristy parts of town! One sounded tinier than the smallest travel trailer, but had an incredible view of the Eiffel Tower. The ongoing theme in his book may be found in the subtitle: Porcelain Travels: Humor, horror and revelation in, on and around toilets, tubs and showers. Do not take your flushing toilet, hot water on demand, or designated tub/shower for granted! Because he was willing to adapt to many unusual (and sometimes uncomfortable) situations, he was able to travel far and wide, and has some wonderful tales to tell. (One was a bit creepy, though, and to my mind he could have left it out).

Reading Hermit With Dog

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