am happily working my way through the Lord James Harrington mysteries
by Lynn Florkiewicz, Lord James Harrington and the Summer Mystery
being the most recent. Summer time means the annual tennis games
between Cavendish and Charnley and all is going well until the thefts
of jewelery, once just posted in the newspapers, move from London to
the countryside. The area, once noted for smuggling, is riddled with
caves, secret tunnels, ancient paths … are any of these being used
by the smugglers? And just who are the two young men who claim to be
cycling across the countryside yet become winded on the slightest of
Symphony of Echoes, the second in The Chronicles of St.
Mary’s, by Jodi Taylor reminded me of an old pin ball machine.
Rapid action that changes direction often and quickly heads off in
unexpected directions … I may have even heard bells at one point.
;-) This is another fun (well, mostly) romp through time that
includes Jack the Ripper, the dodo bird, Thomas Becket (and those are
just the main adventures).

Curious Case of the Black Swan Song
is the first in a new series for me by a favorite author, Andrea
Frazer. Sadly, she passed away a few years ago, but she wrote a lot
of books so, thankfully, there are still many to read. The series
this time is A Holmes and
Garden Murder Mystery,
which should give you hint! Yes, it is a spoof on Sherlock Holmes,
and a very well done one at that. Sherman
Holmes and John Garden have taken rooms at the Black Swan, both
looking for a change in their lives. There’s a piper, too, there
because his wife has banished him from practicing in their home.
Turns out Holmes and Garden both are fans of (you saw this coming,
yes?) of Holmes and Watson and a friendship, and then partnership
follows. When the owner of the Black Swan is murdered, they decide
to take on the case. An amusing romp ensues! Keep an eye out for
other nods to the original.
Hermit With Dog