Monday, February 18, 2019

Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals, by Rupert Sheldrake (the revised and updated version) came as a recommendation from Constant Reader. The author has done a good job at an admittedly controversial subject. Just what is the connection between humans and animals? Not just dogs, but cats, horses, birds ... all seem to have a psychic or telepathic connection with their humans. An interesting read, to be sure!

Back in the 1800's one builder took a chance that New Yorkers would be willing to buy an apartment. Far away from anything. On the wrong side of town. He was right, and the result was the Dakota, a building that became a popular address. The units included the very small (just two rooms) the the very large (twenty-four rooms). It had the first elevators in a residential building, operated by a team of Irish ladies, fancy indoor plumbing, and that new gizmo: the telephone! Life at the Dakota: New York's Most Unusual Address, by Stephen Birmingham is a fascinating read.

Do you remember a huge fire at a library in Los Angeles in 1986? Probably not, because as big as it was, something else happened that day: Chernobyl. The Library Book, by Susan Orlean, is the story of that fire, the investigation, and a history of a unique building and the people who worked there. There's also a nice history of libraries and librarians in general woven in. Just an amazing read.

Reading Hermit With Dog

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