Friday, September 21, 2018

There are odd things going on in a housing unit in Douglas, or so one of Aunt Bessie's friends tells her. Door mats that vanish and reappear, a wandering mirror, strange noises in a flat that is vacant ... Aunt Bessie is asked to check things out and how she goes about this is most interesting. (To do so she'll have to make a huge change in her life). And of course, there is a body. Only this one is still breathing. Aunt Bessie Finds is the sixth in the Isle of Man Cozy Mystery series by Diana Xarissa.

When Georgiana Rannoch is offered a fully staffed estate by her godfather (who is off climbing mountains in South America) she jumps at the chance. Soon to be married, she and her husband will need a place to live. She has fond memories of Eynsleigh from living there as a child ... but a lot has changed ... and what's up with the staff? There's a snarky butler, a chef who can't cook, gardeners who don't garden, and odd sounds coming from a supposedly closed off wing of the estate. Four Funerals and Maybe a Wedding, by Rhys Bowen, is part of the Royal Spyness Mystery Series. This is one of those hard to put down books and I would have finished it in one day if I'd started it earlier!

According to the short entry in the back of the book, Genevieve Cogman got her start early, reading J.R.R. Tolkien and Arthur Conan Doyle. The result is her Invisible Library series ... part fantasy, part mystery. The Masked City is the second in the series. Life is going well, until Irene's apprentice is abducted. Kai comes from a royal family of dragons who will not be amused and the outcome could be war ... over several alternate times. Irene discovers that Kai is being held in Venice ... but which one? There are several versions of place and time here, some more industrial than others, some using more magic. It's fun reading about a city that is 'almost' familiar. Irene, as a Librarian, has a few skills of her own. This is a grand adventure!

Reading Hermit With Dog

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