Friday, March 23, 2018

There are books on how and where the famous died, and where to visit the grave. This book, as the subtitle suggests, is about how death might happen: Final Exits: the Illustrated Encyclopedia of How We Die, by Michael Largo. There's the expected causes such as war and disease, and the unexpected, such as speeding down a lake in a jet ski and colliding with a flying duck. Or being hit with lightning while wearing an under-wire bra. Or washing dishes in a metal sink during a thunderstorm. Or sign language being considered a gang sign. Interesting and one of those books with short entries that's easy to read during ads, or between other books.

Does it seem like we've become a rude society? Do good manners seem to be a thing of the past? It's true, and that's what F You Very Much: Understanding the Culture of Rudeness -- and What We Can Do About It, by Danny Wallace is all about. It seems rudeness can spread in a ripple effect, even witnessing a rude interaction can make us more likely to be rude ourselves. There is a neurological explanation for this. Some- times it's cause by a misunderstanding because manners differ between cultures (in some, the 'thumbs up' gesture is considered rude). The author offers some solutions, too. A most interesting, if sometimes rather sad, read.

Reading Hermit With Dog

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