Monday, November 27, 2017

Greetings all! I had some connection issues this morning so I am doing my Tuesday morning post on this Monday afternoon while everything seems to be up and running. Computers! ;-)

I Shot the Buddha, by Colin Cotterill, is the 11th in the Dr. Siri Paiboun mysteries. If you are not familiar with it, I suggest you give it a try! Start with The Coroner's Lunch. This time, Siri and his wife are on the trail of a missing monk. Visiting and resident spirits play a part in their investigation (and giving a new definition to possession being nine-tenths of the law). Keep an eye on the dog! Oh, and instead of being an armchair traveler, how about being a sedentary nomad?

It looks as if I've not included any of the earlier Patrick Taylor books, which comes as a surprise, because I've read them all! An Irish Country Practice is the newest, but start with An Irish Country Doctor. Dr. Fingal Flahertie O'Reilly is the GP in the small town of Ballybucklebo. Over the years his practice has grown and partners have joined his practice. In this most recent one they take on a newly graduated doctor. This book feels a bit darker and sadder than early books, there are issues with abuse, addiction, and so forth, but it's still a great read. I love the feeling of community in this rural area of Ireland, and there are some lovely touches of humor.

Reading Hermit With Dog

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