Thursday, September 7, 2017

This coming Saturday, September 9 is Teddy Bear Day! There are lots of books available from story books, to ABC books, to craft books on making and dressing them but I am just going to include two here today.

First up is The Legend of the Teddy Bear, by Frank Murphy and illustrated by Gijsbert van Frankenhuzen. Inspired by the story that Theodore Roosevelt refused to kill a young bear, Rose and Morris Michtom of New York thought a stuffed toy bear would be a nice addition to their popular candy shop. They made two, which sold quickly. They decided to make more and wanted a good name for their new toy. They liked 'Teddy's Bear' and wrote the president to ask permission to use his name (they sent a bear, too). The rest, as they say, is history. ;-) Wonderful book!

Secondly, a favorite from way back in 1968: Corduroy, by Don Freeman. It's all about how a little stuffed bear, with a button missing from his overalls finds a home. Just as good now as it was then.

Reading Hermit With Dog

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