Saturday, December 3, 2016

Can you tell when the season is about to change? With her sketchbook in hand, one young girl watches this transition in Winter is Coming, by Tony Johnston, illustrated by Jim LaMarche. Wonderful pictures and story. I loved the views of the girl in her perch in a tree as animals passed underneath. (Just one question, though, would fawns still have spots by this time of the year?)

Winter Bees and Other Poems of the Cold, by Joyce Sidman and Rick Allen is a book I enjoyed on many levels. The art work is rich and detailed, the poem that goes with each drawing is simple but evocative, and then there is a side bar for each entry with factual information on how different plants, animals, and insect survive the winter. Most enjoyable.

The first snow of the season can be magical, as it is for the little girl in First Snow, by Bomi Park. The illustrations are soft and lovely. Be sure to look carefully in the woods.

Even though it would take a lot of snow to make most of the things in this book, it was still a delightful read. (Hmm, and maybe all the better because I was inside where it was warm)! ;-) Snow Play: How to Make Forts & Slides & Winter Campfires Plus the Coolest Loch Ness Monster, and 23 Other Brrrilliant Projects in the Snow, by Birgitta Ralston has ideas for all kinds for snowy winter days. (yes, brilliant is spelled that way in the title). Compared to the ones here, my snowmen where really, really lame! Loved the snow lanterns. I think this would go well with a cup of cocoa.

Will we get our first snowfall in the next few days?

Reading Hermit With Dog

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