Tuesday, October 11, 2016

I've always thought the Queen had a good sense of humor (humour), and, as it turns out, she does! Find out what tickles her fancy or comments she's made in various situations in The Wicked Wit of Queen Elizabeth II, compiled by Karen Dolby.

For more amusing tales about the royal family there's What a Thing to Say to the Queen: a Collection of Royal Anecdotes from the House of Windsor, by Thomas Blaikie. Stories span years, from when the current queen was a youngster to present day (2014 or so). This is one of those books that fit well during ads on TV, or when you just have a few minutes to read while the mac and cheese heats up in the microwave.

This is a more intense read than the others mentioned here: Underground London: Travels Beneath the City Streets, by Stephen Smith. London has a long history, sections of Roman walls may be found in underground car parks! There are catacombs, and sewers, and rivers ... and even a miniature train line for moving the mail. I found this to be interesting if I liked the topic, but dry otherwise! Definitely worth a look, though, as we all might have different interests. :-)

The Queen still likes to ride, every morning, if possible. She does not wear a hard hat, however, she prefers her familiar headscarf. Of all the cars at her disposal, she prefers her green Jag, and drives it herself. She also knows how to change a tire, but 'has not been required to do so for some time now'. At Home With the Queen: Life Through the Keyhole of the Royal Household, by Brian Hoby is a mostly fun, some times bewildering look at those who care for the Royal Family, the various residences, meals, cars, horses, etc. Many of the positions have endured for centuries.

Reading Hermit With Dog

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