Saturday, July 16, 2016

Summertime! (And if you believe Gershwin, the 'livin' is easy'. ) :-)

Here it is! Bachelor Brothers' Bed and Breakfast Pillow Book, by Bill Richardson is the second of a trilogy. Sadly, the third is out of print and pretty much unavailable. Full of the charm and fun of the first book, this one also includes some interesting twists and new information on the characters that have become so familiar. A good read, in the shade, with an iced beverage. :-)

Is your vacation still far in the future? Or did you recently return but are feeling the stress again? This book, 20-Minute Vacations: Quick, Affordable, and Fun "Getaways" from the Stress of Everyday Life, by Judith Sachs offers all sorts of solutions (or at least ways to cope). From something simple, such as a nap, to creating your own beach (a shallow tub and store bought sand) for toe wiggling (I think I'd add a cd of ocean sounds), or coloring, whether it's abstract or a book, there are some wonderful ideas here! Walk in the rain, find a park with a swing, greet the dawn or go stargazing. There are ideas for the office and home, or even on the drive to and from work. There are suggestions for couples,too. Just a nice book!

I've enjoyed every Sarah Addison Allen book I've read, and thought I'd read all of them so it was a happy discovery to find Lost Lake and realize I had not read it! There's always a touch of magic in Allen's books, along with a bit of mystery. I love her characters, too, there's always something unique about them. This time, a trip to a vacation location from long ago 'stirs the pot' and changes lives.

Remember Carl, from Good Dog, Carl? (See post of December 30, 2014). Well! He's back! Carl's Summer Vacation, by Alexandra Day is another fun entry in this series. See what Carl and the little girl do when they are supposed to be napping!

Even the President needs a vacation. Or maybe that should be the President especially needs a vacation. Lawrence L. Knutson has put together a rather large (as in heavy, coffee table) book about just what activities and locations the Presidents enjoyed in Away From the White House: Presidential Escapes, Retreats, and Vacations. To begin with, being President was not a full time job ... they would go home in summer. Usually that meant to do chores, work their farms, and so forth. That didn't last, however, and soon the office became a full time job, and soon after that some sort of R&R was needed. Every President (or the family) had their favorite destinations and activities. Mary Todd Lincoln loved the Jersey Shore. Hayes was the first to visit the Pacific Coast. Many liked golf. Sailing was popular, and so was fishing! LBJ and Reagan liked to ride. Several liked to ski.

There are those crazy events that 'seemed like a good idea at the time' and those where most (sane) folks might think 'that is totally crazy!' and I think this falls under the latter catagory! Mud, Sweat, and Gears: a Rowdy Family Bike Adventure Across Canada On Seven Wheels, by Joe "Metal Cowboy" Kurmaskie, with footnotes by Beth Biagini Kurmaskie follows this family of five as they bicycle across Canada. Two of the children are under 10 and the third is still nursing. Dad and the two boys rode a tandem sort of bike and towed the baby and some of the gear in a trailer behind them. Mom's bike had panniers for the rest of the gear. They camped out at night (most of the time) and had no support vehicle with them. Don't skip the footnotes!

What do you like to do on your vacation?

Reading Hermit With Dog

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