Thursday, March 10, 2016

While these two titles fit well along other book trails I'm on, I decided to put them together and call it a "nostalgia" trail.

'We Made Our Own Fun!' are memories culled from the magazine Reminisce. This was a time before computers, TV, and battery operated toys. What did folks do? They played games, made forts, had sing alongs. There were stick horses (I actually had one like you see on page 38) and jump ropes (be sure to check out the chants!). Adults and children gathered for baseball games, or to listen to the radio. There were county fairs and drive in theaters (and big cars that made it easy to curl up with a blanket and favorite stuffed toy). There were games with buttons, and roller skates. A wonderful collection of a bygone era.

Another collection of memories (of a different sort) may be found in Outhouse Lore, by Bernard Eubanks. Mr. Eubanks collected the stories and did the illustrations. There are poems about the 'necessary' as well as a list of many of the names for this outbuilding. There is a horse who liked to use the outhouse in his pasture, tips on how to warm a cold seat, and the best catalog for use as toilet paper. Other outhouse books appeared in the post of April 5, 2014. I have always been grateful for indoor plumbing. :-)

Reading Hermit With Dog

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