Friday, November 27, 2015

It turns out I've been celebrating Buy Nothing Day (the day after Thanksgiving) for many years now! I even avoid any on-line shopping 'just because'! At some point I decided it'd be a good time to do books on ads. :-)

made you look: How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know, by Shari Graydon and illustrated by Warren Clark, while aimed at younger readers, proved to be an excellent read. All about how marketers target specific age groups, how carefully ads are worded, and how to recognize (and avoid) the hype. I loved the little 'Try This at Home' boxes found throughout with things to try, such as looking for products in a movie or TV show, to emphasize just how invasive advertising is. I know it looks odd, but the lower case letters in the title are fine. (Even if it does bother me just a bit)!

There is a method to the madness of getting a point across and it is all in the subtitle of Words That Work: It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear, by Frank Lutz. (emphasis is mine). From advertisers to politicians to getting a seat on a flight after the doors have been closed the author explains what works and what doesn't. It's why welfare became assistance, and garbage collectors became sanitation engineers. (And, one that bugs me ... a used car is now a pre-owned vehicle). This was interesting and educational, and a bit sad as pretty much anything anymore has a 'spin' put to it. Listen carefully folks!

Personal ads are always interesting, and have been around for a long, long time. To read some of the best, try Man With Farm Seeks Woman With Tractor: the Best and Worst Personal Ads of All Time, by Laura Schaefer. Funny, sad (sometimes both at the same time).

For other fun personal ads, see Strange Red Cow in the May 16 post.

I see where some stores are opting out of 'Black Friday' this year. Good for them!

Reading Hermit With Dog

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