are the last of the quote books on my shelf (for now, anyway);-)
Encyclopedia of Quotations About Music, compiled and edited by
Nat Shapiro is a very well organized collection. Even the chapters
are divided into more specific topics. Unlike most other quote books,
there are photographs of musicians, too. I especially loved the
sub-chapter of musical misanthropy filled with 'mis-speaks'
(operations instead of operettas) and compliments that aren't so
nice, and some that are just plan nasty.
Kimble, Robin Petersen, and Kathleen Johnson put together the music
quotes in The Music Lover's Quotation Book: a Lyrical Companion.
Many of these are quotes from musicians rather than about
them. Most enjoyable!
dvds, before videos, at a time when one had to rely on reruns to see
a favorite show again, in this case Star Trek, there was Star Trek
Speaks, compiled by Susan Sackett, Fred and Stan Goldstein.
Along with each quote is not only who said it, but which episode and
a brief description of the scene. I found when I was reading it that
it conjured up nice images in my mind. In this collection, too,
there are a few photographs.
some unknown reason books, movies, and tv shows are often renamed
when released in the United States. Often times the original is
better (think The Murdoch Mysteries becoming The Artful
Detective). So, the subtitle for The Official Quotable Doctor
Who went from Wit, Wisdom and Timey Wimey Stuff to Wise
Words From Across Space and Time. Hmmf. From their first words
to their last and so much in-between, it's still a wonderful
collection from the early days of the show to the Eleventh Doctor.
(And the first words of the Twelfth).
is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion." --
Abraham Lincoln
you Quote Garden) :-)
Hermit with Dog
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