Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Riding in a sleigh, with the runners shushing, the sleigh bells, well, jingling, the horses snorting always seemed like it would be thrilling. Actually, it was most likely cold and uncomfortable! This book would fit well with the Working Horses book from an earlier blog, but I decided to include it here, with other winter type books. Sleighs: the Gentle Transportation, by Carlo Italiano has beautifully drawn pictures of a great variety of sleighs that carried or delivered everything from food, to barbers, to nuns. There was one that carried a man who would go door to door sharpening knives. Coal, mail, and milk were delivered by sleigh, there was even a snow removal sleigh!

In times gone by the shortest day of the year was celebrated in a great variety of ways by all cultures. Some of the modern traditions of Christmas and Hanukkah come from these rituals. The Winter Solstice, by Ellen Jackson and illustrated by Jan Davey Ellis explores some of these celebrations, and also gives the scientific explanation for the changing length of days.

Amongst my Christmas books, the ones I reread each year, are two children's books. North County Christmas, by Shelley Gill and illustrated by Shannon Cartwright is the story of tired reindeer and a team of dogs. Without saying too much, this is a magical book. ;-) Wolf Christmas, by Daniel Pinkwater, illustrated by Jill Pinkwater is told by one of the wolf pups as he and his litter mates romp and play under a winter sky on what turns out to be a special night.

Are there favorite books you enjoy every year?

Reading Hermit With Dog

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