I learned of this book in one of the books I've read recently about books, bookstores, and so on: The Last Leaf: Voices of History's Last-Known Survivors, by Stuart Lutz. The author got hooked on talking to old people as a child and went on to work with historic documents. He started learning of folks that had survived or witnessed various events from what we take to be 'long ago' and started interviewing them. Here are those stories, and what a fascinating read! Here you'll meet one of the last women married to a Civil War Vet (that is NOT a typo!) ... she died in 2008! Someone who was there for the Scopes Trial. One of the first people to see a television program. One of Houdini's last assistants. Highly recommend and hard to put down ... consider yourself warned!
I like several of the CSI type shows so What Lies Beneath: My Life as a Forensic Search and Rescue Expert, by Peter Faulding looked like a slam dunk! ;-) It was, for the most part, many of the rescues his team works on involved removing protestors (more complicated than you might think) but I found the search for bodies more interesting ... probably due to too many tv shows and books ... Faulding has put together a world renowned team of experts and equipment who can search underwater (their specialty, actually), in fields and gardens and so on. Many of the missing bodies are now cold cases, some decades old. He works well with other teams too, local police and other search teams. Interesting for sure, but be warned, very grisly, too, given the nature of the work.
Reading Hermit With Dog