Recently, when I was making an on-line order, I was told that with another 10 dollars, I could get free shipping. Fortunately there were books! Today I Learned: Over 300 Strange-But-True Facts That You Probably Didn't Know, from the Willow Creek Press was a fun read of bits of trivia. Some I knew, but then, I am fond of trivia books! Some I did not, which made this a fun read. You will learn things like, the Empire State Building has its own zip code, bullfrogs do not sleep, Elvis was originally a blond, New Jersey grows two thirds of the world's eggplants .. and so on!
Since the books were on sale when I had to make up that 10 dollar difference in my order, I also got Today I Learned: Over 300 Strange-But-True Facts That You Probably Didn't Know, Volume 2. It also was a lot of fun, with just a few cross overs from volume 1. Baby porcupines are called "porcettes", the first ad to air on tv was in 1941 (for watches), figs aren't vegan because there are dead wasps inside ... and more. If you love bits of trivia, you will enjoy these books. :-)
These books inspired me to check and see if there is a national trivia day. There is! January 4th! That's too long for me to wait to post them, though, so enjoy them early and be prepared for next year!
Reading Hermit With Dog