Greetings to those of you who read my blog! This morning I was asked increase the security on my google account, which required a phone number. This is NOT going to happen, so, if I can't get around that, this may be my last posting. I understand why this is important for those who do a lot on their google account, but I don't, it's just my blog about books. Anyway, if this is it, it's been fun, if not, see you next time!
Up the Usual Peacocks is Donna Andrews thirty-first Meg
Langslow Mystery ... and there's a least one more available!
Wedding planning is underway ... a big wedding, a huge wedding ...
planners are the two mothers (think about that for a minute) ...
peacocks are to be part of the reception, but the resident ones are
molting so Meg is sent off to pick up more from a farm not too far
away. There is a 'sidewalk painter' come to make the walkways more
beautiful. And food. So much food. Meg's nephew and friend have
started a podcast about cold case murders, which seems to have upset
someone as one of the two hosts is involved in a hit and run, which
scared him (to say the least). Let's see ... there's a missing
singer, a cheating cover up (local college) ... and those pesky
peacocks! Lad, the border collie teaches the Pomeranian dogs to
herd, llamas leap to the defense of a favorite human (literally ...
they jump a fence to do so) ... just a fun read! And one I finished
during a recent power outage ... thank goodness for the itty bitty
book light!
you know that the Isle of Man has wild wallabys? They were the
inspiration for this book when author, Diana Xarissa, was looking for
something to go with "... and murder." Fenella has
volunteered to do a 'watch' one morning to help with collecting data
on them.
Turns out to be a nasty, cold morning and the only thing that she
spots is a body. It's Darrell, the head of the society aimed at
protecting the wallabys and the land they live on. Or was he? What
was the motive behind his death? Marsupials
and Murder was another
fun read in the Isle of
Man Ghostly Cozy series.
Hermit With Dog