work got so overwhelming it was affecting his health, Nick Albert
decided to make a huge change in his life. He and his wife liked
taking an old house and fixing it up, but they took that to the
extreme when they moved to Ireland. Fresh Eggs and Dog Beds:
Living 'The Dream' in Rural Ireland is that story. Talk about
contrast! Pretty much everything is different between London and
their new home: traffic, crowds, how business is done ... how they
make the transition is a gentle, humorous read.
while back Wandering Reader heard a story on NPR about a man, mostly
forgotten these days, who was a pioneer of flight ... and that there
was a book! I missed the story on NPR, but I did find the book:
Lincoln Beachey: the Man Who Owned the Sky, by Frank Marrero.
Lincoln Beachey grew up in San Francisco and once took up a challenge
to ride his bike, without brakes, down steep hills (sometimes several
in a row). This same bravado took him on to not only be one of the
first to fly, but the first to do what became stunts, although one
was actually pulling out of a stall, which would be good for any
pilot to know. He would draw HUGE crowds to his shows. Others would
try and copy what he did, many of them dying in the attempt. What he
did, that they didn't, was to start slowly, figure out what the plane
could tolerate, or how to build a better plane. Although he tried to
explain this, not many listened. He also tried to convince the
military that future wars would need a well trained air force.
Again, not many listened. This was a great, if sometimes sobering,
biography. Loved all the pictures and newspaper clippings.
Hermit With Dog